All About the PTA

Our PTA is made up of a team of parents, teachers, staff and volunteers who work together to make Rock View Elementary School the best it can be. Wondering what your PTA membership supports, or how you can contribute in other ways? Read on to get all the details!

Our mission is enrich our school and students through advocacy, relationships, and funding.


Why should I join the PTA?

Rock View Elementary School’s PTA is only successful because of committed and generous parents like you! Every year our PTA plans, hosts, and funds community-building events, such as Multicultural Night, Back to School Bash, Rock View Rocks, Hispanic Heritage Dinner Dance, and more. The PTA also funds important educational programs and resources that include school assemblies, grade-level field trips, facilities upgrades and more. We support the teachers and staff throughout the year. 

Do I have to be a member to sign up for the listserv? 

No! All community members are encouraged and welcome to join our listserv to get up-to-date information about the school and PTA programs. You can join by emailing this address:

How much does it cost to join?

Individual memberships cost $15. Family memberships for homes with two or more caregivers cost $25.

How do I join?

To join the PTA, go to and create an account.

Do I have to volunteer if I join the PTA?

Joining the PTA does not commit you to volunteering. We know our caregivers are busy! But we do welcome your time and expertise in whatever way works for your schedule. You can contribute in large and small ways – just contact us at for current volunteering opportunities.    

How else can I support the PTA?  

You can make a direct donation to the PTA at any time! The membership dues do not cover the cost of everything the PTA does for Rock View Elementary School, so donations are helpful and welcomed. Our PTA is a federally recognized 501c3 and your donations are tax-deductible. 

You can add a direct donation to your online payment or check when you renew your membership or join the PTA; you can also make a donation by check made payable to the Rock View ES PTA. Drop it off at the main office. We welcome all donations of any size.

Have other questions about the PTA? Email us at