Your PTA membership provides resources for RVES students and staff members and gives you a vote on our budget and officers. Here are just a few of the ways your membership fee will be used this year!

  • Field Trips & Assemblies

    PTA membership fees help cover the costs of student field trips for all grade levels, plus activities in the classrooms, and school-wide assemblies.

  • School Maintenance & Improvements

    Last year we funded new rugs for second grade classrooms; this year, we’ve supplied safety cones for safer arrival and dismissal. Your membership helps supply facility improvements and school beautification.

  • Events & Activities

    The PTA plans, funds & coordinates events for the school that include the Back to School Bash, Rock View Rocks end-of-year celebration, Hispanic Heritage Dinner Dance, Multicultural Night, and more!

  • Enrichment Experiences

    Our PTA supports enrichment opportunities through staff mini-grants and literacy initiatives, including read-a-thons, the book fair, and more.

  • Staff Appreciation

    We love RVES teachers and staff! The PTA shows gratitude to the wonderful school staff through breakfasts, treats, Helping Hands events, and expense reimbursement programs.

  • Community Building

    The PTA works to create opportunities for students, families, and staff to build relationships and a sense of belonging through grade-level playdates, after-hours celebrations, and more!

Help us make a difference!

Join us by signing up as a member here: